Responsible pet ownership
#LiveKinder at home and help keep our pets happy
The lockdown has highlighted our need for social interaction, and for company. This, however, can come with a pitfall. It may seem tempting to buy a companion animal in the current situation but don’t forget that you are undertaking a responsibility that will long outlive the lockdown.
Further to this, we do not want to inadvertently drive the illegal puppy trade and mass adoption into unsuitable homes. It’s also important to ensure the welfare of pets already in homes. Pet owners and caretakers need to account for potential lockdowns and have enough provisions that ensure pet health and welfare, such as having in place enough medicine, food and other necessities for their pets.
Click the images below for more information on how to #LiveKinder for your pets:
The Power of #livekinder
Choosing to bring a new member of your family into your home is a big one, which is why it's important that it's done the right way.
Toby decided to be a responsible pet owner, want to see how?
Place your cursor or finger over the image, click/tap, and erase the top image to see how Toby chose to #LiveKinder.

The Journey of #Livekinder
Toby and the Illegal Puppy Trade