Preventing the Next Pandemic
FOUR PAWS position papers on One Health and the importance of preventing zoonotic diseases at source
The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a bright light on the interconnectedness between the health and wellbeing of humans, animals and the environment. Improving animal welfare reduces the risk of future zoonotic disease outbreaks. A zoonosis – like COVID-19, SARS, Ebola, Avian Flu and many others – originates in animals and is transmitted between animals and humans. However, animals themselves are not the root cause of this pathogenic transmission, but rather human behaviour, which creates conditions wherein viruses and bacteria thrive and spread.
When viewed through the lens of the One Health approach (as outlined by the One Health High Level Expert Panel), the interdependence between animal welfare and human health is clear. One Health provides a way forward in preventing the spillover of pathogens if human beings improve the welfare of animals and cease high risk practices.
Please read on to learn more about the risk factors and ways in which we can change our behaviours for the betterment of both human and animal wellbeing to prevent the next pandemic.

Open letter to WHO Member States
Multidisciplinary organisations and experts emphasise that to protect human health and enable equity, the adoption of One Health is a critical and achievable component of the Pandemic Agreement

One Health and Pandemic Agreement Myths & Facts
Clarifying misconceptions and debunking myths that have emerged on Articles 4 and 5 of the Pandemic Agreement

Open Letter on Pandemic Prevention and Wildlife Trade
CSOs Open Letter to the attention of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) to prioritise pathogen spillover prevention and address the drivers of zoonotic disease emergence including wildlife trade and markets

Civil Society remarks on the Negotiating Text of the “WHO Pandemic Agreement”
Civil Society Organisations' essential remarks on the WHO Pandemic Agreement

Proposal for Negotiating Text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement
Detailed feedback of Civil Society Organisations on the Negotiating Text of the "WHO Pandemic Agreement"

From Science to Policy
How the pandemic instrument can prevent pandemics and enable equity (A report following the Consortium of Universities for Global Health Conference 2023 Satellite Session)

AfA Appeal Regarding ASEAN Leaders' Declaration on One Health Initiative
This statement represents a bold commitment that emphasises the health and wellbeing of animals and ecosystems

Spotlight on Zoonotic Diseases in South Africa
South Africa is one of the most biologically diverse countries in the world. Low animal welfare standards and a highly interconnected human-livestock-wildlife relationship have created opportunities for zoonotic transmission

Open Letter to the WHO and Member States on the Pandemic Instrument Zero Draft
Leading NGOs sent this open letter to the WHO and its Member States emphasizing putting animal welfare at the centre of the WHO Pandemic Treaty

Civil Society Remarks on the Zero Draft of the WHO CA+
Remarks on the pandemic treaty zero draft by Born Free Foundation, Farm Forward, FOUR PAWS, International Coalition for Animal Protection, Phoenix Zones Initiative, World Animal Protection, World Federation for Animals

Civil Society Remarks on the Conceptual Zero Draft
Remarks on the pandemic treaty conceptual zero draft by Action for Animal Health, Born Free Foundation, Brighter Green, FOUR PAWS, Phoenix Zones Initiative, World Animal Protection and World Federation for Animals

Pandemic Prevention Position Paper
Tackling the root causes of pandemics is essential for any WHO instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

Pandemic Prevention Position Paper (Summary)
Preventing the spillover of pathogens at their source would help to mitigate risk factors for the transmission of infectious diseases from animals to humans

International Pandemic Treaty Position Paper
One Health and primary pandemic prevention: A holistic approach to humans, animals and the environment

How to Prevent the Next Pandemic
FOUR PAWS Future Study "COVID-19 and the interconnection between human wellbeing, animal welfare, the environment, and pandemics"