Lamb looking backwards

Nike just did it!

The global brand went certified live lamb cutting free!

Learn why
Merino sheep laying down


Commit to certified live lamb cutting-free wool to end the mutilation of millions of lambs

Make a change

Nike's game changing commitment!

Here's how others can just do it: #StopCruelWool and commit to certified live lamb cutting-free wool

A recent FOUR PAWS report on the use of mulesed wool in sportswear has revealed severe shortcomings in Nike’s efforts to source mulesing-free wool, unlike its main competitors.
Of all brands, Nike is the one that motivates people to “just do it”, to live a better and healthier life, but it's failing to protect innocent lambs. The brand that claims to create products to prevent athletic injuries, sources wool that comes from intentionally injured sheep. 

Athletes were outraged and, together with FOUR PAWS, they called on Nike to #StopCruelWool and to JUST DON’T DO IT. Stop using untraceable wool in your products. No lamb should have to endure the outdated and cruel method of mulesing and suffer for sportswear!

Campaign success! Making great strides for animal welfare

Athletes and fans of Nike came together to send a message to the brand: Nike, just don’t do it. Don’t allow lambs to be injured for wool. This achievement is the result of tens of thousands of supporters fighting together with FOUR PAWS for better animal welfare in the sports apparel market. See the video below that aimed to put pressure on Nike to #StopCruelWool. 

Boxer with red gloves

See the progress of the #StopCruelWool Campaign!

Thanks to your support, Nike has received over 50,000 emails! Find out more about this success.

Learn more

How you can continue to help #StopCruelWool and #EndLiveLambCutting

To keep supporting our mission to end cruelty to lambs, you can:

Get informed about live lamb cutting in sportswear!


Read the Report!

Did you know? We investigated Nike's claims about using live lamb cutting-free wool. 
Learn about the truth in the full Wool in Sportswear Report here.


Inform friends and family to help spread the word!


Share your knowledge!

Share what you know about mulesing with family and friends! You can share this leaflet with them, and even send our 'Wool Guidebook' to brands! Have questions? Read our helpful Mulesing FAQs.


Important Note: Asking Nike to #StopCruelWool and to commit to certified live lamb cutting-free wool, does not mean that live lamb cutting-free wool is wool completely free of animal cruelty. There are other animal welfare issues which need to be tackled as well. However, live lamb cutting is the biggest surgical intervention which farmed animals are subjected to on a routine basis. It was invented 100 years ago to save sheep from flystrike, when pain-free alternatives were lacking; alternatives that are available now. Ending live lamb cutting is an urgent call to improve the lives of millions of lambs. Nevertheless, the journey towards high sheep welfare will not stop there.

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