FOUR PAWS operates a rapid response, highly skilled expert unit equipped to help animals in the face of wars or in conflict zones. Our team, of veterinarians, rescue workers and crisis managers, is trained to work under such circumstances and operating worldwide.

Mission in Sudan
After the successful mission in 2022, we are returning to Sudan for an emergency rescue to save over 30 animals. Left behind in a conflict zone and in danger to be attacked by shootings, more than 15 lions and other animals are starving and without any medical care. It is a complex rescue mission, but our experienced team will bring all animals to a safe place. Follow the updates on the emergency mission!

Mission in Argentina
A request for support from the authorities in Argentina brought FOUR PAWS back to South America to carry out an extremely critical and challenging rescue mission. Two tigers from an illegal private breeding farm in Balcarce in the Buenos Aires province in Argentina needed to be rescued and relocated. Together with the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, FOUR PAWS is working to do this. Follow our mission and learn more about the plight of these tigers.

Mission in Pakistan #KarachiElephants
In 2021, FOUR PAWS received an invitation by the Sindh High Court, to travel to Karachi, Pakistan to assess the wellbeing of Pakistan’s last four captive elephants being kept in Karachi Zoo and Karachi Safari Park. Following the assessment, FOUR PAWS recommended improvements to the elephants’ diet and keeping conditions, as well as medical treatments. Moreover, the team urged that all four elephants be reunited in Karachi Safari Park. Since this time, FOUR PAWS has returned to Pakistan for various emergency situations to treat the elephants. We continue to advise that the #KarachiElephants be reunited. Follow this mission here.

Animal Disaster Relief in Türkiye and Syria
Our team has been working together with local partners in the region following the devastating earthquakes. They have been delivering emergency care to injured and displaced animals: pulling them from the rubble, treating injuries; providing food and shelter. Learn more about the earthquake relief for animals in Türkiye and Syria.

Mission in Sudan: #SaveSudanLionsThe starving lions Kandaka and Mansour were rescued from the Al Qurashi Family Park Zoo in Khartoum in 2020. Although their general health condition has stabilised, both lions have suffered irreversible damage to their organs. Because of the pandemic, FOUR PAWS could not enter Sudan since then. But now, the lions desperately need specialised treatments and ongoing monitoring. Find out more about how we want to help them.

FOUR PAWS continues its help for zoos in Ukraine, delivering another 20 tons of food for animals. With this second delivery we aim to bring relief to the animals and people who are caring for them in the zoos under most difficult circumstances likewise. Find out the details of this mission here.

Emergency Treatment for Elephants in Pakistan
FOUR PAWS treated the last four captive elephants in Pakistan from two different zoos. 16 and 17-year-old Madhubala and Noor Jehan, in Karachi Zoo, suffered from extreme dental problems. Using specially designed instruments and performing a dental procedure under standing sedation for the first time in the world, the team successfully operated on their broken tusks and severely inflamed tissue. At Karachi Safari Park, FOUR PAWS treated elephants Malika and Sonu, who suffered from cracked and overgrown nails and footpads and abscesses. Read more about this mission and the outlook for these four patients.

When a local landowner in San Luis, Argentina was left to care for some tigers for a short time, that short time turned in 15 years. The four tigers were trapped in cages barely larger than the size of two parking spaces. Their cages were part of an old train carriage that had been left behind and stood still since then. We had a very short window of opportunity to rescue them and show these majestic big cats that they deserve better. Read more here.

Mission in Pakistan
After a ground-breaking decision from the Islamabad High Court to close down the under-funded Marghazar zoo, an immediate relocation of the remaining animals was planned. Due to inexperienced animal handlers, a harrowing incident happened, where two lions lost their lives from the effects of the fire. Therefore, we were asked to help with the urgent relocation of about 30 animals still suffering in these inappropriate surroundings - a result of mismanagement of the zoo, lack of staff experience and insufficient funding. Together with the Islamabad Wildlife Management Board, we successfully managed to relocate all the animals – including elephant Kaavan – our heaviest and most challenging relocation to date! Every minute counted and as usual our team on-site were determined to change the lives of these animals for good. We now have an opportunity to help the local authorities with the relocation of the remaining captive animals.

Mission in Lebanon
On August 4th 2020, a huge explosion devastated Beirut, causing enormous suffering and destruction and leaving the lives of both people and animals in desperate need of help.

Mission in Sudan
In mid January, photos of famished lions in a zoo in Sudan circulated the globe and immediately caught our attention. Due to a lack of financial resources, the animals have been left to starve. We were there to help them.

Mission in Lebanon
FOUR PAWS conducted a mission from 29th November to the 2nd December, in collaboration with 'Animals Lebanon'. Due to the ongoing instability in the country, both privately owned zoos lack the resources to take care of their suffering animals. After the approval from the authorities, the our team, consisting of wildlife veterinarians and animal keepers, travelled to Lebanon to support the two zoos with medical treatments and appropriate food. FOUR PAWS is currently working on a long-term solution for the animals.

Mission in Gaza
Over 40 animals were suffering in Rafah Zoo, Gaza. At the beginning of 2019, Gaza's oldest zoo attracted worldwide attention. Four lion cubs froze to death there due to the harsh weather and poor keeping conditions. Only a few weeks later, a 14-month-old lioness was permanently mutilated by the brutal and unprofessional removal of her claws. Almost 150,000 people demanded immediate action - and fortunately, we were able to follow that call. Read more about how we freed 47 animals their cages.

Pilot project protects animals and humans from life-threatening infections #DontWaitVaccinate
After two months of tireless efforts, the team has vaccinated 58,386 animals. The FOUR PAWS team in Myanmar is celebrating this partial victory against one of the deadliest diseases in the country. Read more why the fight against rabies is a long-term one.

Mission in Iraq
According to OCHA, over 163,000 people were displaced by end of January 2017 due to military operations to retake Mosul from the Islamic Stat of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). During this period, the zoo staff members were unable to enter the zoo. Nearly all animals which were not killed by shrapnel, died of starvation or escaped.Simba the lion and Lula the bear – the only animals left alive in Mosul’s zoo – have been evacuated from the war-torn city. FOUR PAWS coordinated the rescue mission, taking Simba and Lula first to the nearby city of Erbil, from where they were flown to Jordan. Simba is now at LIONSROCK in South Africa, while Lula is still in Jordan at the Al Ma’wa for Nature and Wildlife Reserve, a partnership between Princess Alia Foundation and FOUR PAWS. Watch our video!

Mission in Syria
War in Syria has not only forced millions of people to flee their homeland, claimed hundreds of thousands of victims and devastated the country. Countless animals have also lost their lives. The few survivors have vegetated for many months, some even years, in bombed-out zoos. Read more about how we rescued 13 animals from a destroyed the “Magic World” recreational park close to Aleppo.

Mission in Gaza
Years of suffering in desolate cages, starvation and a lack of freshwater: FOUR PAWS conducted an intensive rescue mission to save the remaining 15 animals at Khan Younis Zoo. The FOUR PAWS managed to load the animals and transport them over the border. Read more about the mission.

For more than 30 years the FOUR PAWS rapid response team has helped animals in need!
Amir Khalil remembers all of his missions very well: "We've been to Gaza five times, we've had missions in Egypt during the Arab Spring, Tripoli, Zimbabwe... and have helped several wild animal evacuations from Romania, Bulgaria and other zoos around the world."