The recent closure of all FOUR PAWS sanctuaries has resulted in a loss of essential funding which is vital for the upkeep of the animals you support.
Funding as such enables us to provide the animals that you support with the veterinary care, medicines, and the life-saving food they need after being rescued from abuse. Despite the impact of COVID-19, we must continue to care for them.
That’s why we have taken the necessary steps to re-open BEAR SANCTUARY Müritz for visitors in Germany, so that neglected bears continue to receive the funds for their care and rehabilitation.
A significant proportion of the funding our sanctuaries receive is from the visitors who are no longer able to due to the current crisis. Without this support, our sanctuaries are losing up to £250,000 a month. This income usually supplements your kind donations to provide the animals you’ve rescued in the past with the essential care they need and homes for life at our sanctuaries.
During these difficult times, it is only right that your thoughts are with your loved ones and that you’re keeping yourself safe. However, it is with your support that we can ensure the animals we care for continue to thrive in a world where they are treated with respect, empathy and understanding.
Please give an emergency donation. They need you now. More than ever.