Saying goodbye is never easy
No matter where we rescue an animal from, one thing is always common - these animals have not had an easy life.
Poor keeping conditions leave deep, lasting and sometimes irreversible marks on both their mental and physical health. Once in our care, we strive to mitigate their suffering, as well as make up for lost time by providing them the species-appropriate life they deserve. A life free from suffering and neglect.
We'd like to say a special thank you to our wonderful supporters who have sponsored animals living in our sanctuaries. It’s always heartbreaking to say goodbye to any of them, but we hope you find comfort in knowing you made a real difference in their lives.
Farewell to...
Bobby was rescued from the worst zoo in Albania in 2019. Upon arrival at FELIDA Big Cat Sanctuary, the vet results showed the irreversible damage caused by the poor keeping conditions he endured for years. However, he proved to be stronger than anyone expected.
Over five years, we provided him with intensive, specialised care, and we saw the magnificent lion enjoy life to the fullest, despite his chronic kidney disease.
Bobby's favourite hobby was lounging and relaxing. After his morning routine - during which he explored his enclosure, marked his territory, and joined in the “lion choir” - he would jump into his hammock, where he preferred to spend the entire day.