Hundreds of planning applications for new farms or extensions come into local authorities every year that seek to grow our number of intensive systems or ‘mega farms’, and we want to put a stop to this. Will you help us convince local councils to reject the proposals below?
Past actions

Norfolk (Methwold/Feltwell) chicken and pig farm
We are awaiting the council’s decision on whether to accept or reject an application for a pig and chicken mega-farm in Norfolk.

Norfolk duck farm
Unfortunately the Environment Agency granted a permit for this intensive duck farm in 2024.

Donington chicken farm
Sadly the application for six poultry houses and associated infrastructure was approved by the council. This farm plans to house some 330,000 birds.

Peterborough rabbit farm
Great news! This planning application was refused on 26/11/2021. This decision means no new animals will suffer in this prospective rabbit farm.

Atlow rabbit farm
Great news! This planning application was refused on 27/09/2021. The applicant later appealed the decision, but this was withdrawn on 09/06/2022. This decision means no more animals will suffer in this rabbit farm.

Buckinghamshire rabbit farm
Great news! This planning application was refused on 11/05/2021. The applicant later appealed the decision, but this was dismissed on 29/04/2022. This decision means no new animals will suffer in this prospective rabbit farm.

Cornwall rabbit farm
Great news! This planning application was refused on 19/03/2021. The applicant later appealed the decision, but this was dismissed on 26/04/2022. This decision means no new animals will suffer in this prospective rabbit farm.

Nottinghamshire rabbit farm
Great news! After responding to this planning application on 31/08/2021, this farm was finally shut down for good on 21/08/2022. All 202 rabbits were rescued and no new animals will suffer in this ex-rabbit farm.

Rutland rabbit farm
Great news! This planning application was refused on 31/03/2022. This decision means no more animals will suffer in this rabbit farm.