Animal Welfare

Animal Welfare: Our Approach

We are defined by our approach to animal welfare and the power it has to bring good to the world.

When it comes to animal welfare, we have a commitment to being the global animal welfare organisation for animals under direct human influence. Our approach is to reveal suffering, rescue animals in need and protect.

Animal welfare is a group effort and we are consistently humbled by the support we get from the FOUR PAWS community. We wouldn’t be able to fulfill our approach without the empathy, commitment, and engagement of those who make it possible.

Our Approach to Animal Welfare: The Main Focuses

To ensure we have a varied, extensive, and effective approach to animal welfare, we operate on a range of different channels to reduce the suffering of animals across the world. Below, you’ll be able to see what we focus on to fulfill our approach:When you’re analysing an animal charity, it’s understandable that you’re going to want to know where they values and focuses are. As an international animal charity, we operate on many different channels to maximise the impact we have. This way, we can help as many animals as possible in as many places as possible. Find out more on our main areas, below:

Animal Welfare: Companion Animals

When it comes to animal welfare, our pets, or ‘companion animals’, are always incredibly dear to our hearts and so is there welfare. Unfortunately, not all companion animals are able to live a life in a loving home. This is where we come in, working to ensure that these animals get the life that they deserve in the care of a loving family.

To do this, our work includes neutering programs, fighting against the dog and cat meat trade, exposing and combatting the illegal puppy trade, promoting responsible pet ownership, and more. Find out more on our page.

Animal Welfare

Animal Welfare: Farm Animals

Big changes in animal welfare often come with a shift in perspective. One of the biggest ones that we are approaching is a change in how we view farm animals. They are often considered nothing more than commodities. But they are so much more, they are living, sentient beings that are capable of personalities and suffering.

To do this, we inspire our community to try plant-based alternatives, rally the call to end factory farming, and partner with farm animal sanctuaries to show a different side to farm animals. You can find out more on our page.

Animal Welfare

Animal Welfare: Wild Animals

Our approach to animal welfare doesn’t stop at our borders. We’re a global animal welfare organisation that is looking to create as big an impact as we can. This is because there are millions of wild animals that are suffering due to the acts of humans. Whether this is through exploitation for the tourist industry, to being slaughtered or traded for their body parts and skins, there is plenty of cruelty to fight overseas.

Our approach to animal welfare and wild animals is to ensure that wild animals stay wild and free, free from human exploitation and free from the suffering caused by human intervention. To ensure this becomes a reality, currently campaigning to end the wildlife trade, and have launched Travel Kind, which aids to offer guidelines on how to travel in a cruelty-free manner. 

Animal Welfare

Animal Welfare: Emergency Missions

Animal welfare isn’t just about raising awareness and taking responsive action, it’s about being reactive too. This is why we have a team in operation that carries out emergency missions for animals in crisis across the globe.

Thanks to our supporters, we have been able to achieve a range of successes as an animal charity. This includes rescuing sheep in a capsized ship off the coast of Romania, rescuing starving lions in a Sudanese zoo, and more recently, giving Kaavan, the world’s loneliest elephant, a chance at a happier and companion filled life.

Animal Welfare: Our Sanctuaries

As animal welfare is a commitment, we know that the animals we rescue from suffering need care, love, and time to get back on their feet. We’re fighting for a better world for animals, so we want to give them one too. This is why we have a range of sanctuaries that specialise in animal welfare, find out more on them below:

BEAR SANCTUARY Mueritz: The biggest bear sanctuary in Western Europe

Our BEAR SANCTUARY Mueritz has been under our management since 2006, and currently stands as the happy home for 15 brown bears that were rescued from captivity. Thanks to donations of our supporters,, they can now spend their days in a natural forest environment on the beautiful 16-hectare site.

BEAR SANCTUARY Arbesbach: An animal-friendly home for abused bears since 1998

BEAR SANCTUARY Arbesbach, extended in 2009, is now able to offer an all important near-natural territory for bears that were former circus bears, or owned privately and kept in unsuitable conditions. With animal welfare in mind, this animal-friendly home operates on a total area of 14,000 square metres and houses 6 bears.

Big Cat Sanctuary LIONSROCK: Species appropriate home for more than 100 animals, mainly big cats in South Africa

LIONSROCK, previously an existing park, is now a haven for rescued big cats, serving as a beautiful reminder that change is possible. This site is appropriately named after a prominent rock in the centre of the area known as “Lionsrock”. The sanctuary currently offers over 100 animals a happy home. These animals are mainly big cats that have been rescued from zoos, private captivity, or the industry.

Big Cat Centre FELIDA: Our FOUR PAWS rescue centre for big cats in the Netherlands

With animal welfare for rescued big cats in mind, we also have FELIDA. This sanctuary provides a beautiful species-appropriate home for big cats, such as tigers and lions (as of writing, one tiger and five lions). Much like the rest of our rescued animals, their backgrounds are varied, but, they are unified in their suffering. These backgrounds include private keeping, circuses and war-torn zoos. Luckily, they can leave this all behind them now.

Our sanctuaries are a testimony to our approach to animal welfare. This list is far from exhaustive, and you can find out about the rest of our sanctuaries here. You can also find out more on the animals that now live in them through our rescues page. We’re sure you’ll be able to find your favourite, as well as get lost in their interesting backgrounds!

Donating to an Animal Welfare

If you’re interested in donating to an animal charity, such as FOUR PAWS, you can do so through our donation form. This is a quick, easy, and simple way for you to donate on a one-time or monthly basis. Whichever suits you best, and whatever you can give, it all helps.

Alternatively, you can get in touch with us via our online contact form, or by giving us a call on 020 7922 7954. A member of our supporter care team will be more than happy to discuss your donation options with you.

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