A New Year, A New Chance for Animals
Are you making any resolutions for 2022?
With another challenging year coming to an end, the festive period is a chance to recharge, recuperate and reflect. Reflect not only on the challenges we’ve all faced in 2021, but more importantly on all the good we’ve experienced that has allowed us to stay on our feet.
We all need a strong foundation to draw strength from in difficult times. Fortunately, this is something we can build ourselves through the choices we make and by adopting a kinder lifestyle. With this in mind, right now is the perfect time to start thinking about making some resolutions for 2022 – not just for yourself, but for animals too. Through this, we can all #LiveKinder.
Whether this is trialling more plant-based meals in your diet, adopting a pet instead of unintentionally fuelling the illegal puppy trade, or pledging your support for animal-friendly fashion, we can all make this new year a better one for animals.
Here are a few ways you can help to make next year bigger, better, and brighter for animals worldwide (click to expand):

Choose to #LiveKinder
Find out how to #LiveKinder, here.

Choose to Eat Kinder
Make your resolution, here.

Choose to Help a Sanctuary
But they can only do what they can with your help.
Help a sanctuary, here.

Choose to Wear It Kind
By making it a resolution to refine, replace, and reducing the number of animal products in our wardrobes, we can make a huge difference.
Pledge to Wear it Kind, here.
Showing more compassion to animals and each other, reducing the amount of animal derived products we consume, choosing cruelty-free fashion, and helping support our work are all powerful ways to make 2022 a better year for animals.You can also help by signing our petitions and taking action, here.
Thank you for your support throughout 2021, we look forward to having you as part of our journey across 2022.