International Dog Day introduces the pooches behind the team
It will come as no surprise that our team is made up of animal lovers but did you know that there are actually 11 pooches amidst us? On International Dog Day we’d wanted to introduce you to a few of them.
First up we have the smallest members of the team. Blue the Chihuahua/Jack Russell cross and Kona the miniature Dachshund. These two little-legged dogs are from two of the largest rescue organisations, Battersea and Dogs Trust. At two years old, Blue has now been living with his new owners for four months after his previous family handed him over to the charity as they were unable to care for him. Kona’s story is a little different in that his mum was actually the one initially taken into Dogs Trust. She had been illegally imported into the UK whilst pregnant with him and his two sisters. Then eight weeks later his new life started with family in North London. Despite being smaller dogs, both Blue and Kona like to wow people with their repertoire of tricks, from giving paw, to spinning or even dancing; they win the hearts of everyone they meet.
From the smallest to the biggest dog in the pack, Sky. Despite her size, this American Bulldog/Boxer cross loves nothing more than to curl up on her owners laps and apparently she’s not sure what personal space is! By all accounts this description sounds completely removed from the details given when, like Blue, she was rehomed from Battersea. It just shows what a loving home with owners that understand their dogs can do! And this pooch is also a TV star having appeared on Paul O’Grady’s ‘For the Love of Dogs’, but don’t worry the fame hasn’t gone to her head!
Next up we have a pair of retired racing Greyhounds Molly and Charlie, who are now enjoying a quieter, more sedate life in North London. Whilst adopted separately these pair are firm friends and when Molly was spayed, Charlie didn’t leave her side and even held her paw to comfort her. Whilst being couch potatoes for most of the time, there is no denying their love of speeding around the parks and this is a quality the youngest FOUR PAWS UK pooch shares. Doris the four-month-old Boxer is full of beans and this Bristol-born pooch also has an appetite for fun and will show her happiness with a bum wiggle to make anyone jealous! She’s even be known to fall over herself in excitement when reunited with her owners.
It’s not just the wiggly bodies and wagging tails that convey our dogs happiness as Havanese George demonstrates with a smile that lights up a room. His owners say that it is the BEST smile in the world, not that they’re biased at all! Now three-and-a-half years old George resides in East Sussex and as for all our dog owners none of the families can imagine their lives or homes without their four-legged friends.
For each and every owner we spoke to on International Dog Day, one thing was clear, the need to do your research, about the breed you’re bringing home and how important training is, not just for the dog, but for you too. All pooches have likely utilised those puppy dog eyes to win extra treats here and there and even a cuddle or two, but in order to ensure a happy healthy dog it is important to remember you’re the responsible owner and that your dog is not in charge. Training is a great way to build this bond and helps us also gain a greater understanding of our canine companions.
View our four-legged friends here
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Loves giving high fives

Can give paw, spin and loves using his owners as climbing frames!

Barks in advance of passing wind – almost like a warning announcement

Molly & Charlie
Love sleeping and cuddling up to each other

Loves to dance and do her happy bum wiggle

Will give a high five and a low five on demand – often in return for treats!