2022 the year in review for FOUR PAWS UK 

Celebrating the successes of 2022 


2022 has been quite a year for all of us around the world.  

Bringing the war in Ukraine, a cost-of-living crisis and continuing climate anxiety, there has been a lot to contend with this year.

Despite this, we’ve had some fantastic victories for animals that we wanted to take a moment to reflect on and thank you for helping make them happen. 

The year started positively with the successful introduction of a historic animal welfare resolution being adopted at the United Nations Environment Assembly. This resolution and the appreciation of the nexus between animals and the climate is a huge step for animal welfare. But there was more to come. In April the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Act gained Royal Assent and ensured that animals ability to feel pain was recognised in law. Another long-awaited legislation win came in November when the Trophy Hunting (Import Prohibition) Bill passed to the Committee stage. We hope that 2023 will be the year this Bill follows in the steps of the Sentience act, so stay tuned for more updates on how you can help.

But we weren’t just busy working on legislation. No year would be complete without our amazing rescues. Over the last 12 months our team has:

  • Rescued four tigers from Argentina and transferred them to LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary in South Africa
  • Saved bear Mark from more than 20 years of solitude living in a cramped cage beside a restaurant in Albania
  • Provided a safe home for raccoon dogs Asami and Emi and foxes Skadi, Mala and Samara who, before we stepped in,were destined to be killed for the fur industry

Our supporters have been there beside us throughout the year. Whether asking you to support our calls to end the dog and cat meat trade in Southeast Asia (nearly 10,000 of you did this in 2022 alone) or emailing NIKE to urge them to stop using mulesed wool in their products (6,000 of you did this in less than a month). The support is unwavering!

We’ve also had to ask the same requests a few times due to ourturbulent Government. But despite those changes over 8,000 of you took our calls to heart and emailed Boris Johnson, Liz Truss and most recently Rishi Sunak telling them to Deliver For Animals and follow through on the promises made in numerous manifestos.

There’s so much more to come in 2023 and we’ll need you to use your voice once again for animals.

We hope we can count on you as we: 

  • Put more pressure on the Government to continue the escalation of the Trophy Hunting (Imports Prohibition) Bill
  • Approach more brands to commit to a fur-free future
  • Strive to deliver a ban on the import and sale of fur in the UK
  • Rescue animals under direct human influence and provide them a safe and secure home
  • Oppose factory farms across the UK
  • And much more

Thank you once again to every one of our supporters for being the voice of so many animals across the globe. We can’t do any of this without your incredible support, add the difference you’ve made is remarkable.  

Here’s to a coming year where we can celebrate even more success for animal welfare, worldwide. 

Animal Charity

Hannah Baker

Head of Communications UK

Hannah heads up the Communications team for FOUR PAWS UK and handles all press and marketing enquiries. Having worked in the animal welfare sector for nearly a decade she has worked tirelessly to raise awareness of what we can do to help our animal friends at home and further afield.

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