Animal Charity

Farm Animal Sanctuary Gallery

Although sadly often viewed as commodities, farmed animals are unique individuals, each with their own personalities and quirky ways! This means that they offer a lot to get to know and fall in love with.

In this gallery, we’d like to introduce you to some of the amazing residents now living safe in a sanctuary. You can find their names in order below the gallery, so you’ll be able to choose your favourite.

There is so much more to farm animals than what they are farmed for. We can all #LiveKinder by thinking about how our choices can impact others.

Names in order: Pip, Sorrell, Lady A, Judy, Lillie, Winnie, Chip, Toffee, Baby, Sylvia, Princess and Harrison, Badger, Miss Portabella, Harrison, Lucky, Aries, Kathy, Kerrie and Zac, Royston, Timmy, Daisy, Arthur, Snowy, Nemo, Linda (and babies), Mickie, Sam, Leylamb, Lenny, Jude, Sonny, Dee Dee.

Animal Charity

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