FOUR PAWS encouraged by DFFE report’s key recommendations on captive lions
After 15 years of campaigning captive lion breeding and keeping could be nearing its end in South Africa
The global animal welfare organisation FOUR PAWS is incredibly encouraged by the announcement from the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE), Ms Barbara Creecy following the release of the report and the recommendations of the Ministerial High-Level Panel that was appointed to review policies, regulatory measures, practices and policy positions that are related to hunting, trade, captive keeping, management and handling of elephant, lion, leopard and rhinoceros.
The issues related to intensive captive lion breeding and keeping, which FOUR PAWS has campaigned against for 15 years, were amongst two areas (along with rhino breeding) where there was not an overarching consensus on the recommendations. During the virtual meeting on Sunday, which FOUR PAWS attended, the minister said that the majority consensus would be implemented where the Panel recommends that South Africa does not captive breed lions, keep lions in captivity, or use captive lions or their derivatives commercially. The Minster has requested the department to action this accordingly and ensure that the necessary consultation for implementation is conducted.
“We commend the Minister and her department for taking this brave decision and offer our full support for her and her team for the mammoth task that lies ahead,” says Fiona Miles, director of FOUR PAWS in South Africa.
The Minister announced that the key recommendations from the report will be adopted for the issue on captive lion breeding, which included:
- Developing a process to halt and reverse the domestication of our iconic lions through captive lion keeping, breeding, and commercial use, putting in place ethical and humane procedures for euthanasia of existing captive lions;
- Policy decisions for the immediate halt to (1) the sale of captive lion derivatives, (2) the hunting of captive bred lions, and (3) tourist interactions with captive lions
- Engagement with other Department and the SETAs to identify mechanisms to protect employment of workers on captive lion facilities.
Up to 12 000 lions are captive bred, used in interaction (cub petting and walking-with opportunities), breeding, hunting and for their bones as part of an exploitative industry. FOUR PAWS released its Vicious Cycle report in March 2021, highlighting serious welfare concerns at breeding facilities – not only of the animals being kept, but in some instances workers, too.
Read more about FOUR PAWS report Vicious Cycle here