
IPCC impact report released 

Today the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published a report which investigates mitigation of climate change, from energy, mobility to food and farming industries 


London, 5 April 2022 – Investigating the reduction of climate harming emissions and the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere, leading scientists made it very clear that governments are not doing enough, while emissions are the highest in human history. 

The report suggests that emissions need to be halved by 2030 in comparison to 2019 levels to prevent global heating exceeding 1.5 degrees which would lead to severe climate change effects on people, animals and ecosystems. This is a gigantic step as it requires system transformation, accompanied by strong regulation, governance and financing shifts in every industry.

The good news is that the report gives an overview of feasible and affordable climate solutions.

“As a global animal welfare organisation, we are at the forefront of the debate on the impact livestock has on the environment. The climate crisis can only be tackled together with governments and the food industry."

"A decrease in the numbers of livestock and raising the keeping standards for farm animals is crucial in many ways. It instantly cuts emissions, halts deforestation and makes land now used for feed production available for 
nature restoration.”
  “The facts are daunting, and the problem affects humans and animals alike. However, there are choices we can make.  Choosing #dietchangenotclimatechange is key. Reducing meat and dairy consumption contributes to personal health and wellbeing and is also a more climate-friendly and sustainable choice.”

Sonul Badiani-Hamment, UK Country Director, FOUR PAWS UK 

The third and final part of the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) highlights the urgent need for drastic action on greenhouse gas emissions reduction and fundamental transition of sectors to halt climate change and prevent its’ widespread devastation.  A recent report of IPCC concluded that the impacts of the climate crisis, such as extreme weather events, drought, flooding are already more frequent and more severe than previously assessed. The final Report will be published in October 2022.

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Head of Communications UK: Hannah Baker

Hannah Baker

Head of Communications UK


020 7922 7954

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