FOUR PAWS campaign is successful:
Fashion company MADELEINE is quitting the fur business
London, January 21, 2021 - Another step towards a fur-free future: Global animal welfare organisation FOUR PAWS is pleased to announce that fashion brand MADELEINE will stop selling real fur from the upcoming winter season 2021/2022. Since October 2020, FOUR PAWS has been calling on the fashion brand to stop selling real fur as part of a campaign that mobilised supporters to sign a petition and to contact the retailer. Now the fashion house has officially announced that it will stop the sale of fur within the upcoming year.
“Fur is an unnecessary luxury product for which there are many fashionable alternatives that do not involve cruelty to animals. We are proud that MADELEINE has recognized the signs of the times and will soon stop selling fur products. With this decision, the company follows a global trend in which animal welfare and sustainability go hand in hand with economic efficiency. The spotlight has been shone on the cruel trade in recent months due to repeated COVID-19 outbreaks on mink farms and the associated risk to public health. In light of this we applaud MADELEINE for finally appreciating that an exit from the fur business is the only correct decision,” says FOUR PAWS UK Head of Campaigns Emily Wilson.
#Fur is out - FOUR PAWS campaign leads to success
It was only at the end of October 2020 that FOUR PAWS called on fashion brand MADELEINE in an international campaign to do stop selling real fur. As a result, over 68,000 people from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the UK (contributed over 4,000 signatures) and the USA, among others, appealed to the company to stop selling fur. “Our supporters heard our calls and came out to use their digital voices to great effect. In fact over 600 of them sent messages via social media to MADELEINE calling on them to stop selling fur. Real fur fashion is animal cruelty and does not belong in a modern society. As soon as MADELEINE is fur-free, we would be happy to welcome the fashion house as a new participant in the international Fur Free Retailer program," says Wilson.
FOUR PAWS UK is part of the Fur Free Britain coalition calling on the Government to ban the sale of fur in the UK. Fur farming has been banned for nearly 20 years but more is needed to prevent the sale of items inextricably linked to animal cruelty.