Close up of Bear Mitko with his front paw raised and hooked over the top bars of his cage

FOUR PAWS criticises Slovenian authorities for blocking bear rescues

For more than two years, authorities are turning a blind eye on cruel keeping of four bears, who need urgent veterinary care and rescue


Infested with parasites, aching teeth worn down from bar-biting, wounds from constant walking on concrete – the lives of bears Masha, Mici, Mitko and Tim are painful and bleak. The four bears are suffering severely from cruel substandard conditions in their private keepings in three restaurants and a private zoo in Slovenia. Despite being repeatedly informed by global animal welfare organisation FOUR PAWS about this cruelty, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning and its veterinary inspectors have failed to act for more than two years. FOUR PAWS condemns this inaction and calls on the government to finally end this agony by confiscating Masha, Mici, Mitko and Tim and bringing them to a species-appropriate bear sanctuary.

Magdalena Scherk-Trettin, Wild Animal Rescue & Advocacy Senior Project Manager at FOUR PAWS said: “It’s shocking to see such appalling conditions in the heart of Europe. By turning a blind eye to this cruelty, the Slovenian authorities are prolonging the suffering of the bears. Masha, Mici, Mitko and Tim urgently need veterinary care and relocation to a bear sanctuary. It’s heartbreaking to see them locked up in filthy, tiny enclosures, their needs being blatantly neglected."

Independent evaluations confirm urgency to act

Two independent evaluations by bear experts Djuro Huber and Agnieszka Sergiel recently confirmed the urgency to act.

“Clearly all bears are kept in substandard conditions. They are living miserable lives, kept as lifetime prisoners. Their welfare is limited to providing non-natural food. I propose to close all four outdated facilities and transfer the bears to a proper bear sanctuary,” recommends Professor emeritus Djuro Huber from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Zagreb University in Croatia.

“The bears are exhibiting stereotypical behaviour to a severe extent and that should be urgently addressed. In addition, the development of painful medical conditions is accelerated by the inappropriate keepings. None of the facilities meet even minimum standards, the bears should be relocated to a professional and accredited bear sanctuary,” says Dr Agnieszka Sergiel, Associate Professor at the Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow.

FOUR PAWS first inspected the bear facilities in 2022 and has been advocating for their rescue and calling on the authorities to act. The poor conditions of the bears, all of which are living in small, barren concrete enclosures with only scarce enrichment, have remained unchanged. FOUR PAWS has provided video footage of its visit in 2023 to wildlife experts Djuro Huber and Agnieszka Sergiel for an independent evaluation. The reports were also provided to the Slovenian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Safety. Dr. Sergiel’s report backs up the medical findings FOUR PAWS has already shared with the authorities in June 2023.On the recording, obvious dental issues that require treatment are visible: two broken teeth with open root canals, causing massive pain to bear Mitko. Mitko also has cracked footpads with multiple wear points from the continuous contact with concrete flooring, making it painful to walk and prone to ulceration. Bear Tim, who is overweight, has several lesions, most likely from his stereotypical behaviour, pressing his back to the bars and also from extensive laying on the concrete floor. Bear Mici likely suffers from a parasite infection, and the poor condition of her hide is made worse by a lack of proper swimming and rubbing opportunities in her enclosure. She also shows severe stereotypical behavior, pacing in her cage and tossing her head. Bear Masha, who, at approximately 34 years, is already geriatric, was found to be apathetic and also showing stereotypical behaviour like pacing along the cage walls, during the visit. 

Bear Mitko in a cramped cage

Read more about the efforts of FOUR PAWS to help bears in Slovenia


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