FOUR PAWS rescues nine bile bears after more than 17 years in tiny cages

The crisis in Ukraine

We are deeply concerned about the current crisis in Ukraine, and we are closely monitoring the developments 


25 February 2022 – Our thoughts are with everyone in the region - humans, and animals alike.

We are staying in contact with our FOUR PAWS colleagues in the country and empathise with all their families. Their health and safety are of the utmost importance to us.

Our colleagues from the Stray Animal Care team and BEAR SANCTUARY Domazhyr are safe and the animals in our sanctuary, which currently houses 29 bears, are doing well under the circumstances. We, of course, continue to give them the best possible care and will give regular updates.


FOUR PAWS on Social Media

Stay up to date on this topic and on all FOUR PAWS activities on our social media channels:

Head of Communications UK: Hannah Baker

Hannah Baker

Head of Communications UK

020 7922 7954

07966 032 235

82 Tanner Street, London, SE1 3GN


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