Press Contact

Press contact

For international journalists, media and production companies


Contact us if you have inquiries related to 

  • our press releases
  • interview requests for our FOUR PAWS experts
  • photo or film material on selected FOUR PAWS topics
  • collaborations on documentary and film productions

For general questions on global animal welfare campaigns, events and operations of FOUR PAWS, please use the contact form here!

Hannah Baker

Hannah Baker

Head of Communications UK 

020 7922 7954

07966 032 235

82 Tanner St, London, SE1 3GN

Michael Kellner

Michael Kellner

PR International Officer

+43 (0) 664 504 38 97

VIER PFOTEN International 
Linke Wienzeile 236
1150 Vienna, Austria


Alexander Lawson

Senior PR International Officer

+43 660 231 8769

VIER PFOTEN International 
Linke Wienzeile 236
1150 Vienna, Austria

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